
4:00-5:00  Beginner/Novice /Intermediate

5:00-6:00  New Beginner Dancers (ages 6+)

6:00-7:30 Championship class (invite only)


10:00-10:45 Moms and Tots class
4:30-5:00 Primary Dancers (new and returning)
5:00-5:30 Primary Tap Class 
5:45-6:45 Private

Privates are available on this day


4:00-5:00 Semi Private class 

5:00-6:00 Tap Class 6+

6:00-7:30 Championship (invite only)


4:00-5:00 Choreography Class . Will only run for part of the year 

We, the staff at Highland Fire Dance Academy, recognize our obligation to make sure our students and their parents are aware of the risks and hazards involved in the sport of dance. By signing this waiver, you release Highland Fire Dance Academy and all its employees from all claims on account of any injury which may be sustained by you or your child while attending any dance class, event, or outside performance. In signing this waiver, you also acknowledge your responsibility in paying monthly tuition, any associated costumes fees, entry fees for performance or competition and all other communicated costs involved. You also agree that Highland Fire Dance Academy shall not be held responsible for any loss or theft of the applicant’s personal possessions. All students enrolled at agree to abide by all studio policies set forth by the director of the school. Failure to comply with all rules and regulations could result in possible dismissal from Highland Fire Dance Academy. Highland Fire Dance Academy reserves the right to refuse admittance to any student in a non-compliance with studio policies, to be determined at the discretion of the director of Highland Fire Dance Academy. You also affirm you now have and will continue to carry proper primary medical, health, hospitalization and accident insurance which you consider adequate for the protection of your child/children. Parent’s Signature:________________________________ Date:________________ I give Highland Fire Dance Academy permission to take photographs of the students to use in brochures, website, advertisements and other promotional materials the studio creates. Parent’s Signature:________________________________ Date:________________